Thursday, July 16, 2015

Death in Tights

Five teenagers graduate high school and go to a house in the woods to celebrate. But there, they encounter an evil presence. Dressed in tights.

A Cinematic Masterpiece

Author: CanyonHunter from Australia
23 January 2015
Schindler's List, The Shawshank Redemption, Pulp Fiction, The Godfather... there is a new film that can join the ranks of the elite, and it is called 'Death By Tights'.

This cinematic masterpiece, which apparently took 5 years to shoot, is an emotional joyride from start to finish. I experienced a sense of existential wonder as I watched this film, and I began to question the whole reality that I live in.

The story is a simple, universal story that we can all relate to. Five teenagers finish high school, get drunk and are attacked by a bunch of men in stockings. The symbolism and allegories to biblical times, Marvel comics, the second World War, the Antichrist, divine spiritual enlightenment, and the Kool Aid man are so poignant, clever, and surprising.

I cried during the final scene, and I will not spoil it for you, but the ending is touching and also strangely comedic. It was also generally terrifying throughout the whole time, and it felt like it went for four minutes.

So if you want to see an excellent celebration of cinematic excellence, watch Death By Tights. You will not be disappointed.

Death by tights - a movie to last the ages

Author: Fale anderson from Australia
8 March 2015
An unbelievable performance for all involved, exspecially to Ethan Lane, played by James Mehmed, an outstanding performance!! The title does not do it justice, this is one of the most horrifying movies of the the year. To put the movie in the same category as the godfather, shawshank redemption, schindlers list and pulp fiction would be and understatement!! The theory of everything by Steven king won a golden globe for best actor, however if the movie "Death By Tights" got the same coverage, James Mehmed would have surely surpassed Eddie Redmayme to claim best actor, an outstanding performance. It kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time not sure what to expect, making me jump at unexpected time scaring the Bejesus out of me! Could not recommend this Movie high enough!!!

Full Movie on Xmovie8

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