True Blood: Season 2 Review
The Stackhouses battle religious groups and mythological creatures.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2009
The true test of a new, popular show is the second season – can the momentum keep up for another year after the central mystery of season one is cleared up and the killer caught? With True Blood, the answer is a resounding YES!
In a world where vampires are out of the coffin, people and vampires alike are trying to figure out what that means to each group. Each group has its own mores, beliefs, and governing factors, and it's interesting to see how often the humans are the real animals. In the first season, much of the interaction involved humans and vampires learning to co-exist. This was more refined for the second season, as we saw how more about how vampires function on a day to day basis and what rules they follow as their own society.
At first, it seemed surprising they have an organized hierarchy, but it makes sense - someone had to keep the vampires in control all these years. Although, after meeting Sophie-Anne, the Queen of Louisiana, it seems the vampires might want to go democratic at some point, instead of being ruled by a fickle, perpetual teenager who uses her power to force vampires into playing dice games. Her home was pretty impressive – complete with fake sunlight and armed guards, but she's definitely up to something mischievous.
Sookie Stackhouse (Anna Paquin), the presumably human waitress, is still the central character, but those around her don't necessarily orbit her as much this year, giving them the freedom for a wider variety of character development. Sookie's relationship with vampire Bill may be unconventional in context, but it really is like other boy-meets-girl romances on TV (except with it being on HBO, the sex scenes are … well, sexier.)
For a chivalrous guy who always tries to do the right and moral thing, Bill as a vampire maker is forced to face his non-human side and acknowledge the ugly fact that he is truly not human anymore. In fact, he has to embrace his flaws and the specifics of being vampire, as he has to train his new vampire, the petulant teenaged Jessica. The flashback scenes of Bill with his maker, Lorena, were very enlightening - and it feels as if Bill is trying to atone now for his bad behavior then by being the super Southern gentleman.
After his girlfriend and grandmother were killed by his best friend last season, Jason Stackhouse (Ryan Kwanten) goes on a journey of self-discovery that leads him to church. Unfortunately, that church is the Fellowship of the Sun, which is possibly more hate-promoting, anti-vampire than Jason can handle. For a guy as naïve and self-centered as Jason, he really did seem to actually learn something about life and what is important to him, without losing the cluelessness and honesty that makes him such a fun character.
Alexander Skarsgard as Eric
The vampire sheriff Eric (played to perfection by Alexander Skarsgard) became a thorn in Bill's side as his interest in Sookie and other residents in Bon Temps grew this year. He's powerful and used to getting what he wants, and proves to be a true challenge for the well-mannered vampire Bill. He's also more complex that we were originally led to believe; the scene where Eric says good-bye to his maker was arguably the best of the season. Beyond that, Skarsgard has been given some of the best lines of the series, and his delivery is impeccable – we're in favor of anything that allows him more screen time.
There were actually two central storylines this season: one involving what was happening in Dallas with the Fellowship of the Sun and a missing vampire, and a second story about the events that transpired back home in Bon Temps. Eventually much of the main cast made their way to Dallas through an organic series of events. The events in Dallas pertaining to the missing vampire, Godric, were compelling and we would've preferred more time with the new vampires in Texas; hopefully next season will continue to introduce other groups of vampires.
Introduced at the end of the first season, newcomer to town Maryann's influence over others continually grew – and soon she became a driving force for the entire town. Not only did this cause characters to act entirely different than they normally would behave, but it brought in a new batch of mythology to the story. If vampires are real, what other mythological creatures are fact and not fiction?
This show could be so much darker than it really is, and at times it is quite disturbing. Thanks to the fact that it airs on HBO, not only is it full of blood and violence, it's tempered with sex and outrageously funny moments. The levity is brought by the characters; particularly Jason Stackhouse helping Detective Andy Bellefluer - an unlikely friendship develops there, but it truly does work.
Even at its campiest, the show is pure fun and the most entertaining hour on television. While yes, it is a show about vampires and a telepathic waitress, it's a look at society in general, and what it takes to stand up for your beliefs and the people that you love, no matter how misguided they may be.
Just as things seem to have settled down for perky telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse and her vampire soulmate Bill Compton, some deadly new twists threaten to ratchet up the saga in Season Two of HBO's hit vampire series.
Full Season on Xmovie8
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