Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Friday the 13th part 3

Where Jason gets the mask from one of the Kids

Rotten Tomatoes

Movie Info

Immediately after his mysterious escape at the end of Friday the 13th, Pt. 2, Jason Vorhees (Richard Brooker, the third of many actors to fill the role) kills a hardscrabble store owner and his nagging wife before heading back to Crystal Lake, this time to terrify rich girl Chris (Dana Kimmell) and her band of summer-cottage guests. Chris, it seems, is haunted by an earlier encounter with Jason, and her romantic entanglements with local boy Rick (Paul Kratka) do little to ease her nightmares. Meanwhile, the gruesome antics of Shelly (Larry Zerner), a chubby practical joker who just wants to be loved (and get laid), leads to an escalating case of the boy who cried wolf. When he's not incurring the wrath of leather-clad motorcyclists, he's annoying the other guests with his mock mutilations. Soon, stage blood turns to real as guests and bikers alike fall prey to the killer lurking in the barn out back. ~ Brian J. Dillard, Rovi

Best Horror Movies

Friday the 13th Part III movie poster
Release Date: 1982
Directed By: Steve Miner
Written By: Martin Kitrosser, Carol Watson, Victor Miller, Ron Kruz

Dana Kimmell as Chris Higgins
Paula Kratka as Rick
Tracie Savage as Debbie
Jeffrey Rogers as Andy
Catherine Parks as Vera Sanchez

Okay, people are very hard on Friday the 13th Part 3 and it's not without justification. I'll be the first to admit that the Friday movies became progressively sillier as they went on. I mean, Jason taking a sabbatical to New York was one thing, but Jason in space? Even I had to tune out for that one.

Another thing that counts against this movie is that it was the "3D special", so when you're watching it back years later you keep wondering why certain scenes involve the characters randomly thrusting things at the screen. It also gave rise to the start titles!

The other problem I have with this film is the stupid "hippy" couple. I mean, firstly we know they're "hippies" because they smoke pot, wear tie-dyed t-shirts and the dude sports a shaggy beard and a headband. "Whoah man, just let me get my head together here". But that's not what annoys me. What annoys me is that they're an insult to weed-heads everywhere - gobbling their stash at the first sound of a police siren. Should be ashamed of themselves. Still, it gave the guys who wrote "Super Troopers" something to parody in the first scene of that film, so someone was happy at least.

This is the episode of Friday where it really settled into the formula. The characters are completely stock, but I didn't really mind that - I knew it meant I'd enjoy watching them die. We've got Chris (Dana Kimmell) - the innocent girl survivor character, and some Jason-fodder characters - the hippie/stoner couple, a horny couple and a loser. They're off for a weekend of debauchery at Crystal Lake, but their timing couldn't be worse (for them - it's great for us) because the previous night, Friday the 13th Part 2 happened, and Jason is on the loose!

Despite an ominous warning from Crazy Ralph's demented hick cousin as they approach the holiday spot, and seeing a murdered couple being loaded into an ambulance outside the local convenience store, the kids push on. No demented psycho is going to stop them from having fun. Well, that's what they think.

But no sooner have the kids sparked the fire and commenced drunken shagging, Jason begins the festivities.

The deaths are inventive. Personally my favourite is the black biker guy. Jason decks him in the barn then proceeds to beat him repeatedly with what looks like a heavy sap of some kind. It's a great three-blow kill - the sound effects getting progressively sloppier - very nice. The reason it's my favourite is two-fold - one, I appreciate a good bludgeoning. And two, the guy doesn't actually die. He returns for a second helping of Jason at the end. What Jason began with the sap, he finishes with a machete. Great stuff! These bikers are used mainly as a means to disable the hapless teens' van by siphoning the fuel, and it's great to see Jason dispose of them quickly and brutally.

My other favourite kill is the speargun. Here, the 3D aspect doesn't hamper the kill (see the silly fireplace poker-thrust-at-camera bit? Woeful), it actually adds to the effect as a spear sails out of the gun, right at the camera, and into a chick's left eye. What I like most about this is how afterwards, Jason just drops the gun and strolls away. It's supposed to show that he's a lumbering, heartless, undead beast. But to me it looks like Jason's just relaxed and not in any particular hurry. It's all in a day's work and he's moving on to the next task. Of course I can't go without mentioning that in a kill before this (the practical joke-playing loser, Shelly, played by Larry Zerner), Jason gets his trademark hockey mask.

And I can't help but like the guy-cut-in-half kill. I like that Jason stashes him in the roof rafters. I also like that he gets it right after he's finished helping his girlfriend achieve "the best one yet". While there's always something inherently sexy in hearing a girl say that, after he claimed it was "all him", I wanted him dead. Smug little sh*t. Well, thankfully, he's dispatched in a most satisfying manner, and Jason then spears the girl while she's reading Fangoria. Nice touch.

Gradually Jason whittles away the teens til it's just him and Chris left - and we have another final flight from Jason ending in "slo-mo heroine kills Jason" bit - it's okay - but it's nothing on Amy Steel's Ginny from Part 2. That girl had some talent for looking scared, let me tell you. But I do like that after her encounter, Chris is reduced to a hysterical, babbling mess. Her bug-eyed nervous laughter as she's bundled into a police car and carted off (presumably to a looney bin) at the end is poor acting but I dig the heartless ending the writer gave her character. I think I'd rather take an icepick to the brain than spend the next 20 years strapped to a bed doped up on thorazine - but maybe that's just me. The hokey "let's have a few fake scares and then rip-off Part 1's ending" ending is a bit stupid and smacks a little of "we ran out of ideas for how to finish this movie".

But gripes aside, I still enjoyed Jason's second rampage (his mum took care of the first). Like I always say there's no better way to spend an idle Tuesday night than watching Jason hack through teenagers like Dad slicin' up a Sunday roast! Why do people look at me funny when I say that out loud? I'm more scared of people who say they deliberately watched "Hostel" more than once!

Full Movie on PutLocker
Chuck: How come you never scream when we have sex?
Chili: Give me something to scream about.
Hit me baby one more time. Jason is back and he’s as loony as ever. From the opening "disco" Friday theme, to the suspense filled ending this film had me by the jewels and wouldn’t let up. This flick was released in theaters in 3D and I had the chance of seeing it on the big screen in 3D a year ago, it was amazing. All the stuff they throw at the screen (yo yo, pitchfork, eyeball, popcorn) made sense in 3D and was lots of fun.

This entry has lots of ingredients that the later sequels lost along the way. We’ll start with Jason. In this one he comes across as a retarded, murdering/pervert/rapist. He seems to be loving his job, having fun opposite being pissed off (like in the later sequels). He’s totally insane and scared the crap out of me. At this stage in the series, we’re not rooting for Jason yet (I started rooting for him with Part 6). The characters/victims are a tad more developed than in the later entries (well some of them) with witty dialogue in tow and I was actually afraid for them. Some of the stalk scenes are a bit overlong, but the payoffs are worth it. Part 3 was released in a time when good gore was still somewhat fashionable and we get some nice moments (loved the eyeball popping scene).

We get a lot of the familiar with a few new things tossed in: Yes the teens are still horny, yes they smoke lots of weed (more than usual in this one) and yes that old guy that warns people is there again (he’s always there). But on this ride the teens are more likeable, the heroine has a past with Jason, Jason’s name and backstory is never revealed, Jason puts on his first hockey mask (historical moment), Jason gets to kill a group of poser bikers (funny shite) and we also get a murder sequence with echoes of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" when it comes to that funny dude’s demise…Shelly.

This film ain't high art. It’s a slasher flick. If you don’t dig em, don’t bother watching em. The film does follow the generic slasher rules and the surprises are minimum if you know your shite (the false ending is identical to the one in the original) A lot of it is recycled but it’s still a solid slasher flick. Put on your hockey mask and lets kill some teens…
Speargun in the eye, knifings but my fav is without a doubt the guy that gets machete in half…wow…in 3D it looks even better. I will never do handstands again.
I’ll make this fast. All the actors are decent. Special commendation goes to Larry Zerner (Shelly) who plays one of the more developed victim to ever grace a Friday The 13th and on a negative vibe to Paul Kratka (Rick) who gives us a whiny, wimpy, wannabe tough guy performance. I cheered when he got his just dessert. Dana Kimbell (Chris) the heroine does good but I couldn’t help remember what she once said in an interview: "I was not wild about the gore and the sexual stuff, so I talked to the producer and a lot of those elements were eliminated or curbed". A traitor in the fold my friends. This is Friday The 13th Part 3 not Murder She Wrote you dummy…mind your own business girl!!!!!
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Chuck: How come you never scream when we have sex?
Chili: Give me something to scream about.
Hit me baby one more time. Jason is back and he’s as loony as ever. From the opening "disco" Friday theme, to the suspense filled ending this film had me by the jewels and wouldn’t let up. This flick was released in theaters in 3D and I had the chance of seeing it on the big screen in 3D a year ago, it was amazing. All the stuff they throw at the screen (yo yo, pitchfork, eyeball, popcorn) made sense in 3D and was lots of fun.

This entry has lots of ingredients that the later sequels lost along the way. We’ll start with Jason. In this one he comes across as a retarded, murdering/pervert/rapist. He seems to be loving his job, having fun opposite being pissed off (like in the later sequels). He’s totally insane and scared the crap out of me. At this stage in the series, we’re not rooting for Jason yet (I started rooting for him with Part 6). The characters/victims are a tad more developed than in the later entries (well some of them) with witty dialogue in tow and I was actually afraid for them. Some of the stalk scenes are a bit overlong, but the payoffs are worth it. Part 3 was released in a time when good gore was still somewhat fashionable and we get some nice moments (loved the eyeball popping scene).

We get a lot of the familiar with a few new things tossed in: Yes the teens are still horny, yes they smoke lots of weed (more than usual in this one) and yes that old guy that warns people is there again (he’s always there). But on this ride the teens are more likeable, the heroine has a past with Jason, Jason’s name and backstory is never revealed, Jason puts on his first hockey mask (historical moment), Jason gets to kill a group of poser bikers (funny shite) and we also get a murder sequence with echoes of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" when it comes to that funny dude’s demise…Shelly.

This film ain't high art. It’s a slasher flick. If you don’t dig em, don’t bother watching em. The film does follow the generic slasher rules and the surprises are minimum if you know your shite (the false ending is identical to the one in the original) A lot of it is recycled but it’s still a solid slasher flick. Put on your hockey mask and lets kill some teens…
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Chuck: How come you never scream when we have sex?
Chili: Give me something to scream about.
Hit me baby one more time. Jason is back and he’s as loony as ever. From the opening "disco" Friday theme, to the suspense filled ending this film had me by the jewels and wouldn’t let up. This flick was released in theaters in 3D and I had the chance of seeing it on the big screen in 3D a year ago, it was amazing. All the stuff they throw at the screen (yo yo, pitchfork, eyeball, popcorn) made sense in 3D and was lots of fun.

This entry has lots of ingredients that the later sequels lost along the way. We’ll start with Jason. In this one he comes across as a retarded, murdering/pervert/rapist. He seems to be loving his job, having fun opposite being pissed off (like in the later sequels). He’s totally insane and scared the crap out of me. At this stage in the series, we’re not rooting for Jason yet (I started rooting for him with Part 6). The characters/victims are a tad more developed than in the later entries (well some of them) with witty dialogue in tow and I was actually afraid for them. Some of the stalk scenes are a bit overlong, but the payoffs are worth it. Part 3 was released in a time when good gore was still somewhat fashionable and we get some nice moments (loved the eyeball popping scene).

We get a lot of the familiar with a few new things tossed in: Yes the teens are still horny, yes they smoke lots of weed (more than usual in this one) and yes that old guy that warns people is there again (he’s always there). But on this ride the teens are more likeable, the heroine has a past with Jason, Jason’s name and backstory is never revealed, Jason puts on his first hockey mask (historical moment), Jason gets to kill a group of poser bikers (funny shite) and we also get a murder sequence with echoes of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" when it comes to that funny dude’s demise…Shelly.

This film ain't high art. It’s a slasher flick. If you don’t dig em, don’t bother watching em. The film does follow the generic slasher rules and the surprises are minimum if you know your shite (the false ending is identical to the one in the original) A lot of it is recycled but it’s still a solid slasher flick. Put on your hockey mask and lets kill some teens…
Speargun in the eye, knifings but my fav is without a doubt the guy that gets machete in half…wow…in 3D it looks even better. I will never do handstands again.
I’ll make this fast. All the actors are decent. Special commendation goes to Larry Zerner (Shelly) who plays one of the more developed victim to ever grace a Friday The 13th and on a negative vibe to Paul Kratka (Rick) who gives us a whiny, wimpy, wannabe tough guy performance. I cheered when he got his just dessert. Dana Kimbell (Chris) the heroine does good but I couldn’t help remember what she once said in an interview: "I was not wild about the gore and the sexual stuff, so I talked to the producer and a lot of those elements were eliminated or curbed". A traitor in the fold my friends. This is Friday The 13th Part 3 not Murder She Wrote you dummy…mind your own business girl!!!!!
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Chuck: How come you never scream when we have sex?
Chili: Give me something to scream about.
Hit me baby one more time. Jason is back and he’s as loony as ever. From the opening "disco" Friday theme, to the suspense filled ending this film had me by the jewels and wouldn’t let up. This flick was released in theaters in 3D and I had the chance of seeing it on the big screen in 3D a year ago, it was amazing. All the stuff they throw at the screen (yo yo, pitchfork, eyeball, popcorn) made sense in 3D and was lots of fun.

This entry has lots of ingredients that the later sequels lost along the way. We’ll start with Jason. In this one he comes across as a retarded, murdering/pervert/rapist. He seems to be loving his job, having fun opposite being pissed off (like in the later sequels). He’s totally insane and scared the crap out of me. At this stage in the series, we’re not rooting for Jason yet (I started rooting for him with Part 6). The characters/victims are a tad more developed than in the later entries (well some of them) with witty dialogue in tow and I was actually afraid for them. Some of the stalk scenes are a bit overlong, but the payoffs are worth it. Part 3 was released in a time when good gore was still somewhat fashionable and we get some nice moments (loved the eyeball popping scene).

We get a lot of the familiar with a few new things tossed in: Yes the teens are still horny, yes they smoke lots of weed (more than usual in this one) and yes that old guy that warns people is there again (he’s always there). But on this ride the teens are more likeable, the heroine has a past with Jason, Jason’s name and backstory is never revealed, Jason puts on his first hockey mask (historical moment), Jason gets to kill a group of poser bikers (funny shite) and we also get a murder sequence with echoes of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" when it comes to that funny dude’s demise…Shelly.

This film ain't high art. It’s a slasher flick. If you don’t dig em, don’t bother watching em. The film does follow the generic slasher rules and the surprises are minimum if you know your shite (the false ending is identical to the one in the original) A lot of it is recycled but it’s still a solid slasher flick. Put on your hockey mask and lets kill some teens…
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