Review from beyondHollywood
“Halloween: Resurrection” opens with a short prelude letting us know what happened to Laurie Strode, Jamie Lee Curtis’ character from the original, and the one recurring character in the franchise besides masked killer Michael Myers. In the prelude, Laurie has been confined to a mental asylum after the events of the last installment, but that doesn’t last as her brother, Michael, returns after a 3-year absence to finish what he started. Laurie is killed while battling Michael, and the character is supposedly killed off for good. (Yeah, right. The only ones who are “killed off for good” in these movies are promiscuous college kids.)
Back to our main story. We are introduced to six victims — er, six bodies — er, no, six characters who will make up the bodycount in this latest installment. It seems two enterprising webcam operators played by rapper Busta Rhymes and supermodel Tyra Banks have decided it would be swell to put cameras in Michael Myers’ old home, throw some victims — er, college kids — into the house and have people pay to see it on Halloween day. Of course, no one bothers to tell the audience how these brainiacs got the rights to the house in the first place, or why the cops are allowing them to walk around a notorious mass murderer’s home and destroy everything inside. Anywho.
In quick order, we learn that Michael Myers doesn’t like having his home turned into a tourist attraction and begins hunting down the 6 college kids and the 2 entrepreneurs during the live broadcast. And really, can you blame the guy? Among the college kids is Sara, our heroine, and the only character guaranteed to survive, but only after a lengthy, sustained running battle with the masked killer toward the end. (Come on, like it’s a mystery how this is going to end.) We can assume Sara is going to survive from two things: Sara is hesitant to join the show, thus showing some common sense, and also poor Sara gets jumpy around, well, jumpy situations, and is made fun of because of it.
The dead meats consist of: skanky Jen (who has victim written all over her), salacious Bill (another obvious addition to the body pile), poseur Jim (who is guaranteed certain death), pretentious chick Donna (destined to shed her clothes before getting sliced and diced), and token black jokester Rudy (probably the only kid besides Sara who has a chance to make it out of this film alive). Busta Rhymes and Tyra Banks round out the victims. As the token adults in horror films, both Rhymes and Banks have a limited shelf life.
I won’t insult your intelligence by telling you anything you don’t already know. Sara, the purest of the white kids, will of course survive. The rest will all die, with only a couple of characters open to possibilities of survival. Rudy, the token black character, may survive because he has enough one-liners to qualify as the Sassy Black Guy, and sassy black guys always survive in Slasher flicks. But then again, Busta Rhymes is also a Sassy Black Guy, and as we all know, there can’t be two Sassy Black Guys in a Slasher film, so one of them obviously has to go.
Full movie on VideoBash
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And HDmovie14
And CineView
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